It was never free. Everything costs something. Even stupidity costs it's owner.
The report that follows will explain the FREE stuff we commonly hear about. While we are interested in exploding this myth about FREE, we want to show you a way to start with some seed money, work with us and let us produce a return on your investment. Yes, we want to help you get something worthwhile. The easy part is yours. Believe us. Inquire about our secret methods. Become awed with it and give us the authority to start building your next income stream.
OK. Here's the report. Everything costs something, unless you deal with us.
Here's how it works in the mobile phone business. They spread the costs because you sign a long term contract. It's a good thing because, if it were not for a contract to spread the costs, the mobile phone services would cost much more.
You could pay a retail price for a mobile phone and purchase pre-paid minutes. This is more expensive than becoming a contracted customer.
Here's how a free phone offer works. The phone company finds a few low end phones. They divide the wholesale price by 12 months to get a cost factor. They offer a free minutes package at a 2:1 ratio, combining the phone cost into the monthly rate they charge you.
Although they may advertise a free phone and free minutes, the cost of the phone and the cost of delivering the transmission service was embedded into the contracted rate. In a sense, you did get something free because you essentially got a preferred rate.
Ken St. Charles Aspinwall, Founder
The Money Power System
The Prosperity Connection
The Alpha Academy of Marketing